Thursday, April 3, 2014

the science behind the pencil

only artist that have been taught and trained know its all about anatomy. you have to master it to be great and not just good, we all can get only so far before our basic training an anatomy says 'you shall not pass'. so when you start to dray things they don't teach you about you need to then go teach yourself the science of that art. great job even those who don't know what a pencil is will be able to learn something form this.

the story i see: the discovery of the next and not missing link in human evolution has started a race to know and see what else the human body can be expected to do. so as scientist scramble organize crime tries to sell modification and upgrades the world waits to be able to fly.

title: Thoughts on Wings

artist tag: Uzlo

found at: deviant art


this image@: dev art site

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