Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
wicked smile

when a machines smiles at you and it doesnt make warm fuzzy feeling inside of you, it means a laser is coming to blow something up
title: mister robot
artist tag: damitasse-lover
found at: deviant art
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Thursday, December 10, 2009
forget sleep need art
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
the blue pencils of sketching
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
oh snap it's 3-d
Monday, December 7, 2009
a big stick
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
you want a review you say .........

this is very Masamune Shirow bu ti like. the colors of the pilots suit like you said are an experiment bu they blend well. the hard suit is in an open form but you can tell it is meant to be a nimble high speed machine. very nice i just hope you do more with this concept such as the closed suit or the pilot standing along side it polishing it maybe.
title: X-O-Bot
artist (tag): syksan
found at: deviant art
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Monday, November 23, 2009
the koolest guys you know

classic and yes the coolest guys you know if i could i would be Lupin's apprentice just to hang around the gang as much as possible.
title: Lupin's Family
artist (tag): nasou
found at: deviant art
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no notice given
many shades of.........

strong women i would say. make you want to know if you said hi how they would respond? but together these two girls must have a hell of a time i can only imagine the stories.
title: Deziree and Toree
artist (tag):
found at: deviant art
artist@: asieybarbie
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mom i'm back from work

if i cam home half as calm as this guy looks then i would be the man but he is and i'm not especially with the kunia almost splitting his robots head.
title: untitled
artist (tag): drigzabrot
found at: deviant art
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meet her real soon

this is the girl you meet in that trip to tokyo where everything becomes like a movie and then you find out you have the key to saving the world some how inside of you
title: Commisson Goh Goh
artist (tag): Robbi462
found at: deviant art
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how long does it take
where is Bugs Bunny

the fat lady singing in the end of the loony toons clips got skinny and hot hahahaha. but seriously pen and marker can do a lot in the hands of a skilled artist.
title: Valkyrie
artist (tag): anjum
found at: deviant art
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
so good i needed another one

for reals so much life out of three basic colors black, white, and red wait wasn't that the riddle the sphinx asked. well i guess this guy is a genius then
title: sketch 74
artist (tag): MatteoScalera
found at: deviant art
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sharpies are the shizzznit

magic markers in the hand of a skilled surgeon is, look at this it's Destro and he is bad ass and the scottish accent in the movie didn't do it for me but this Destro from the cartoon with his conniving ways will always be the business man i want to be
title: sketch 146
artist (tag): MatteoScalera
found at: deviant art
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Monday, November 16, 2009
old fresh take on classic modern
Saturday, November 14, 2009
the wall crawler
Thursday, November 12, 2009
home sweet home

if i ever ran away from home and could dream what my dream pad would be it would be this...... enough space to feel free and have everything i need a bike and some space to chill.
title: Fanboyz animation background
artist (tag): seangordonmurphy
found at: deviant art
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graff art

when i was little a spray paint can meant you were gonna be a loser for the rest of your life in jail doing drugs and then homeless. look at it now the style that no one learns in school is still around and a lot of people have become highly respected for it. oh yea Marc Echo even made a video game about it "gettin up"
title: bodypaint
artist (tag): ScorpionBlaze
found at: deviant art
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009
oh hell here we go with the super heros
remake for my original viewing pleasure

dont get it twisted I KNOW MY ANIME, but i never saw Gatchaman so this is one remake style i would love to see, and no i am not connected to hollywood to say this is actualy happening it's just a damn good pic that captures the feel of Gatchaman the science ninja team!
title: Shining Force
artist (tag): artgerm
found at: deviant art
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Tuesday, November 10, 2009
the springs art flow from

i love to see where an artist creates at and this is some pretty cool digs i would just go through his entire bookshelf to see what he has
title: My art studio as of Oct 2009
artist (tag): PatCarlucci
found at: deviant art
artist@: and
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Monday, November 9, 2009
sharp aint it

i'm a firm believer in less is more and that quality beats quantity this cant be done with more than one type of pencil and as you can see these pencils beat out a lot of slick colors you may find out there (not to knock a good coloring job)
title: The snake
artist (tag): pandabaka
found at: deviant art
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
fan service
take a look
this is funny to me

Venture Bros. is to funny to me the characters the situations the reactions the themes i want to sit in the room with the guys who think this stuff up
title: Vintage Venture Bros
artist (tag): KidNotorious
found at: deviant art
artist@: ceholbert@gmail
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Thursday, November 5, 2009
i love a good badguy

i appreciate badguys and he is one of the first ones i knew about, Cobra Comander. he ran shit he was so bad that now adays in his new movie they got to tone him down and not call him a terroist. but back to the art this is not a snapshot this is pencils and color pencils the real shit this guy goes hard.
title: Cobra Comander
artist (tag): TheAphex
found at: deviant art
artist@: (best i could do)
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
true to form

the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles all started form a gag image of a turtle doing kung0fu i heard. so this of the true name sakes as ninjas is funny to me
title: Ninja Masters
artist (tag): spacecoyote
found at: deviant art
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
a personal take on a classic chick
Monday, November 2, 2009
red heads always try to prove something

i had to hunt for this pic cause my dumb ass never saved the link but this one had to go up on the list of art i love
title: Anna Mercury Cover I
artist (tag): spoonbard
found at: deviant art
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i could work for her
Saturday, October 31, 2009
oh so intracate
best venom ever

in my opinion one of the Best Venom depictions i've seen
title: venom smudge & colored venom
artist (tag): shun - 008
found at:devuant art
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one hell of a babysitter

if your life turned into looking after the towns worst kids you could be Batman too. they always come back and they always seam to want to misbehave in a way only Batman can correct. i particularly love how every character radiates their personality in this pic and the fact that you can take off of these villains seriously even the Penguin half the time he looks like a joke.
title: welcome to gotham city
artist (tag): duss005
found at:deviant art
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(no notification sent)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
this is easy to like

i am a geek at hart and a good star trek joke goes a long way but i also love line art or any magic a pencil can make but besides all the pretty talk you can see why i like this pic.
title: ST - MM Lt. Sava
artist (tag): King-Cheetah
found at: deviant art
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real art =
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
for anyone who cares
hi my name is Jones Blake and i love art. not the classy stuff just the ones with the pretty pictures and fresh ideas. this page is mostly for me to keep track of the cool artist i will find online but if you happen to check it out cool and if you want please try to help me be one of those famous bloggers even though i have no idea what i'm talking about.
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